Key Approach workshops – Seoul Korea
Module 1: The lower quadrant - The foundations of control
This module principally addresses the integrated function between breathing and postural control of the trunk, control of the pelvis and restoring joint and neuro-myo-fascial function in the lumbo-pelvic–hip region and legs. An introductory evening lecture before the workshop commences provides a broad over-view of the approach.
Module 2: The Upper quadrant - An integrated model of torso movement
This module explores the relationship between the thorax, proximal limb girdle dysfunction, and the spine & pain syndromes of the upper quadrant. Completion of Module 1 is advised before doing this module
Key Moves® 4 Spinal Rehab workshops (KM4SR®)
The Key Moves® is a system of natural movement which offers a fresh perspective on tailoring movement therapy for rehabilitating spinal pain disorders - and many ubiquitous ‘injuries’. The approach deconstructs movement to help you both clarify spinal movement ‘faults’ – and reintroduce important basic patterns of healthy control which restore the client’s function.
Course Information
PRESENTER: Josephine Key
Neuro-musculo-skeletal Physiotherapist - Author
Key Approach Module 1:
The lower quadrant - The foundations of control
Fri 5, Sat 6 & Sun 7 June 2020
Key Approach Module 2:
The Upper quadrant - An integrated model of torso movement
Mon 8 & Tue 9 June 2020
Enquiries: email Ms. Soyoung Kim / call +82 10 3117 4837
Stu Vac Seminars – South of France, 14 - 24 Sept 2020
“The spine and mind – with wine”
“As part of this seminar, Josephine Key & Paul Hodges will lead a Q&A session titled Joining the dots between research and clinical practice. This session will reflect the importance of collaboration between brilliant researchers like Paul and great clinical minds like Jo. This will ensure optimal outcomes for our patients, and drive future research in the best direction.”
Seminar Information
TRIP COST: AUD $4,025 per person twin share
Join us for this moveable feast of lectures, wine tasting, and excursions by bike & boat through the beauty that is the south of France.
- Check out our publications page
- Jo’s books:
- “Back pain a movement problem. A clinical approach integrating relevant research and practice”. Elsevier 2010
- “Freedom to move: Movement therapy for spinal pain and injuries” – to be published by Handspring publishing September 30, 2018